Conversation with an experienced person about ways to generate revenue or improve current revenue generating programs related to your mission
Conversation with an experienced person about a strategy for effectively showing appreciation and communicating successes with current donors; also attracting new donors aligned with your mission
Conversation with an experienced person to review if your current hardware, software, and networking are meeting your organizational needs and make possible recommendations for improvements
Conversation with an experienced person about assessing current processes, improving inefficiencies, or creating new processes
Conversation with an experienced person about designing a program to meet your organization’s goals and mission
Conversation with an experienced person about developing a strategy for exploring, defining, implementing programs to best serve your clients and meet your mission
Conversation with an experienced person about metrics to measure performance of your program/project, success compared to goals, improve managing the program/project, evaluate outcomes and share the impact on your mission
Conversation with an experienced person about requirements, writing meaningful job descriptions, developing standards for evaluating candidates, tools, services, etc for recruiting staff, board, and volunteers to effectively achieve your mission
Conversation with an experienced person about fundraising goals, prospective sources, activities, etc to become focused and efficient on raising funds to support your mission
Conversation with an experienced person about creating a strategy to achieve your organization’s goals over the next 3-5 years