Adobe Mountain Equine, Inc.

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Adobe Mountain Equine, Inc.

45611 260th St E, Lancaster, CA 93535
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Our mission

To promote interest and support of Mustang preservation by connecting and strengthening the bond between humans and horses through education, intervention, outreach, rescue, and sanctuary.


Grounds Maintenance

Pickup and general cleanup of stalls, etc.

  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Physical, Outdoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Weekends
How you help

Our projects are very important to us here at Adobe Mountain Equine. We are all passionate, kind and caring humans that want to help horses and people in their time of need. Please take a moment to read about the projects we are currently working on, maybe you have some ideas of your own that would help us fulfill them.

About us

AMEq is a 501c3 Nonprofit, EIN# 47-1989582. We are a small facility working to build a solid foundation with our youth to secure a future for Wild Horses. Prevent undue suffering, abuse, neglect and slaughter of wild horses on the range, gathered or previously adopted. Rescue and provide sanctuary to wild horses that are abandoned, crippled or of old age. Supply life-long, supportive and humane care. Educate the general public and youth on wild horse issues with the implementation of programs that will reinforce preservation, protection and management in a positive manner.