Archdiocese of Los Angeles

3424 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010
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Our mission

We, the People of God of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, accept our mission to continue the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Baptized into the Body of Christ, confirmed in the Holy Spirit, and nourished by the Word and Eucharist, we share Christ’s mission as priest, prophet and servant kings. We are one with the Catholic Church throughout the world, in communion with the pope.


Hearts to Serve Hotline

Hearts to Serve, a hotline to support to all of those in need
855-423-6780 from 8 am to 6 pm daily
Want to volunteer? Click here!

In the midst of the crisis due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) generating increased needs from certain segments of the community, the Office of Life, Justice and Peace of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, in partnership with St. Vincent de Paul Society and the Knights of Columbus launched Hearts to Servea hotline in support to all of those in need, especially the elderly, homebound, and pregnant women.  The joint effort answers the call of Pope Francis and of Archbishop José H. Gomez, to be missionary disciples.

“In this unprecedented time of uncertainty and sacrifice, we see wonderful acts of kindness and mercy emerging,” said Kathleen Domingo, senior director of the Archdiocese’s Office of Life, Justice and Peace. “Hearts to Serve invites Catholics from every walk of life to join an effort of prayer and service for those most in need now. Together, we can nourish our faith and offer real comfort to our brothers and sisters. When once again we are able to gather in person, our community will be stronger for it.”

Those in need of food or supplies can call the hotline at 855-423-6780 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. A Catholic community of volunteers will be ready to help with essential needs. They will connect callers with local resources for food and other household necessities. The services that will be provided include: grocery or medicine delivery to homes, provision of food and other necessities from local food pantries to those that might not be able to afford it at this time, and guidance for additional questions that need larger answers.

“The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Council of Los Angeles, is here to serve the poor and those living on the margins,” said David Garcia, executive director of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. “In this time of uncertainty, the Society is committed to collaborating with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in its efforts to mobilize Catholics to serve the neediest in our community. As you can imagine, due to the current crisis, our parish-based chapters of volunteers, which we call Conferences of Charity, have seen an increase in calls for assistance. We will do our best to assist the Archdiocese’s outreach endeavors to help people in need.”

To meet increased needs from the diverse communities served in the Archdiocese, Hearts to Serve is providing those looking to help others during the pandemic with the following volunteer opportunities:

  • Volunteer to answer calls on the hotline. Training will be provided. Can be done from your own home.
  • Volunteer to deliver food and household items to the homebound. Must be under 60 years of age, have a current drivers’ license, auto insurance and use of a vehicle.
  • Collect items to stock parish-based food pantries. In addition to nonperishable food items, fresh produce and bread, meat, and baby items, such as diapers and formula are appreciated.
  • Volunteer at a parish-based food pantry. Hours to be determined.

Want to help your community? Click here to sign up to volunteer with our Hearts to Serve outreach program.

  • One-time, Ongoing
  • Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Families
  • Hotline Staff
  • Weekdays, Weekends
About us

We are a family of families. We are a city of saints. We are four million Catholics strong. We are the People of God of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. We are LA Catholics. There are 30 missions and chapels and 16 Eastern Catholic churches. In all, there are a total of 214 Catholic elementary schools and 51 Catholic high schools. We care for millions of children, elderly, families, men and women, immigrants, homeless, and other vulnerable populations at nearly 600 locations across LA, Ventura & Santa Barbara Counties.