Bright Path Center is a nonprofit organization that provides support and services for low-income, homeless, at-risk & disabled individuals & families.
To direct at-risk and homeless individuals and families on a successful path. We provide support and aid for those in need who are looking to successfully transition from homelessness to independent living.
By providing support and services for low-income, homeless, at-risk & disabled individuals and families, we ensure that they receive the help they need to succeed in obtaining safe, permanent housing.
Every other Sunday, our Outreach team meets at one of our properties to prepare care packages of food, clothing & hygiene products to distribute to the homeless community & those in need.
We’re looking for people who are passionate & committed to creating a positive change in the world & willing to assist us in serving the unhoused community.
This opportunity is managed by an L.A. Works partner, the Bright Path Center. Please contact the Opportunity Coordinator listed below for support.
All volunteers participating in this volunteer opportunity are expected to adhere to the health and safety guidelines outlined here: https://www.laworks.com/health-and-safety
By clicking “Sign Up” I certify I have read and agree to the Volunteer Terms and Conditions