Center for the Working Poor is an interfaith intentional community based on the Catholic Worker movement, which is committed to strategic non-violent social change and serving the working poor.
There are many ways to get involved: come to our weekly prayer meeting, attend our monthly events, join us on our bi-weekly food delivery, a volunteer with us in our campaigns, or attend a protest or picket-line.
Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
Individuals, Groups (2-10)
Physical, Event support, Indoor, Outdoor
None, On-site
Weekdays, Weekends
How you help
Some of our community members live and work as full-time volunteers at the Center, and other community members work in careers outside the Center. We all share a commitment to live in a community, share a few meals a week, and a common vision of non-violent social change to benefit the most oppressed in our society.
About us
Volunteer members run the Center for the Working Poor, which is a non-profit that provides services for the poor and organizes protest and social movement activities. Our specialty is planning and organizing large protests, civil disobedience actions, hunger strikes, and other forms of strategic non-violence. We are a spiritual community that observes Christian contemplative practices; however, this is not a requirement for participation or membership at the Center. We have people of many faiths and beliefs in our community. We are looking for members that have occupations outside of the Center, who are interested in renting a room and in being in the community with us.