Second and Fourth Mondays – we use hand sanitizer first then wearing mask and gloves for the entire process. We unload the Mobile Food Pantry truck of foods – and open the packaging, all wearing gloves. Most items are pre-package during this COVID-19 crisis, so we simply assemble bags and boxes and get them onto the table for pick-up by participants.
We will sanitize tables coming off the truck as we open them up, to limit cross-contaminization.
On 1st, 3rd and when it happens 5th Mondays –
WE Work inside our Hall at 6′ separations to bag food – including fresh fruits/vegetables, dried goods like rice, beans, peas, frozen items like meat or iced treats, and canned goods –
into bags for clients, where we use hand sanitizer first then wearing mask and gloves for the entire process. We will sanitize tables coming off the truck as we open them up, to limit cross-contaminization.
We social-distance ourselves,
packing the bags with spacing between each volunteer around the tables as we pack,
and no more than 3 people will actually pass bags into carts, strollers, etc. to clients. (i.e. only these 3 will have any client contact).
For DISTRIBUTION, We work OUTSIDE, in a parking lot, with open air ventilation. There will be pop-up canopies if the weather is wet or hot, or anything other than high-winds.