1038 W Elberon Ave, San Pedro, CA 90732
I'm Interested Visit Website Volunteer Page
Our mission

To reduce the number homicides, reduce the number of unsolved homicides and to assist families that have lost loved-ones to homicide.


Drive Thru Food Give Away

Volunteers needed for Drive Thru Food Give Away 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month.  Need assistance setting up and distributing food.

  • Ongoing
  • Teens, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Groups (10+), Corporate Teams, Families
  • In Person, Outdoor
  • Weekends
Items we need

Truck and/or Funding

We need truck to pick up or funding to pay for delivery to go back and fourth to Food Bank to pick up food to distribute on 2nd and 4th Saturday

We need shelves to store food

We need coolers

  • Item Collection
About us

We are a group of volunteer parents, whose children have been murdered. Our Goal is to help in the fight to reduce hunger and violence in Black and Brown communities throughout Los Angeles County. Due to the Cornavirus we have had an enormous increase in hunger and violence, with a decrease in donations. We are adamant about providing safe streets, communities and schools. Children can no longer live in fear of being murdered on the streets of the United States of America.