Face Forward

9735 Wilshire Blvd Suite 300 C/o, Beverly Hills, Ca 90212
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Our mission Provide emotional support and reconstructive surgery for women, children and men who have been victims of Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking or any Cruel Acts of Crime

Face Forward

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Ways to help

Medical Professional Volunteer

Medical professionals in Los Angeles are needed to volunteer to help the people we serve.
  • Occasional
  • 21+, 55+
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Corporate Teams
  • Physical, Indoor
  • Formal, Skilled
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you help Are you a medical professional? Do you live in Los Angeles and would like to be a host or provide transit for a patient? Are you able to translate between English and another language? Contact us to volunteer with Face Forward
About us Face Forward International was founded on the principle that survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking, and cruel acts should have access to surgical care and emotional counseling regardless of their level of income. We exist to bridge this gap and provide these services, free of charge to survivors. Face Forward enables women, children, and men to reconstruct their lives inside and out for a brighter future. We always welcome support in the form of donations, sponsorships, and partnerships to advance our mission. An average patient’s treatment and visit costs approximately $10,000, and in 2018 alone, we provided over $1,000,000 in free treatment services to our patients. We ask that you consider partnering with Face Forward International to provide even more surgical care to more survivors in need.
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