Central Lutheran Church

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Central Lutheran Church

6425 Tyrone Ave, Van Nuys, CA 91401
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Our mission

Central Lutheran Church is a community that strives to be: living in God’s grace, following Jesus Christ, and serving others.


Back-to-School Supplies DRIVE and Distribution

From NOW through 8/11 Central Lutheran Church-Van Nuys is accepting school supplies for the kids and youth in our marginalized (impoverished) community. Anything helps, and backpacks are a bonus!

Drop off days at 6425 Tyrone Ave., Van Nuys 91401 (enter through gate at Gilmore St. and Tyrone Ave., proceed to Red Door ) are:

Sun 8/6 11:30-12:30 pm

Mon 8/7 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Tues 8/8 10 am to 4 pm

Wed/ 8/9 6:15 – 7:20 pm (drop off during our Zumba class)

Thurs 8/10 -3 pm – 6:45 pm

Fri 8/11 4-5:30 pm


Help us Sort and set up the the school supplies on Friday afternoon 8/11 4pm – 6:45 pm

Help us on 8/12 8:15 am  – 12 noon (includes set-up and clean-up) to host a Fall Back-to-School Fair – you would Guide students through the School Supplies Shop to pick out what they need,

OR help us host some games (under canopies in the parking lot)

OR give out cookies, drinks and possible raffle tickets for graphing calculators.

OR Direct Families to sign in, where to go for the school supplies.

  • One-time
  • Teens, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Groups (10+), Corporate Teams, Families
  • In Person, Project-based
  • On-site
  • Evenings, Weekends

Helping our Neighbors with FOOD Distribution

Second and Fourth Mondays – we use hand sanitizer first then wearing mask and gloves for the entire process. We unload the Mobile Food Pantry truck of foods – and open the packaging, all wearing gloves. Most items are pre-package during this COVID-19 crisis, so we simply assemble bags and boxes and get them onto the table for pick-up by participants.

We will sanitize tables coming off the truck as we open them up, to limit cross-contaminization.

On 1st, 3rd and when it happens 5th Mondays –
WE Work inside our Hall at 6′ separations to bag food – including fresh fruits/vegetables, dried goods like rice, beans, peas, frozen items like meat or iced treats, and canned goods –
into bags for clients, where we use hand sanitizer first then wearing mask and gloves for the entire process. We will sanitize tables coming off the truck as we open them up, to limit cross-contaminization.

We social-distance ourselves,
packing the bags with spacing between each volunteer around the tables as we pack,
and no more than 3 people will actually pass bags into carts, strollers, etc. to clients. (i.e. only these 3 will have any client contact).

For DISTRIBUTION, We work OUTSIDE, in a parking lot, with open air ventilation. There will be pop-up canopies if the weather is wet or hot, or anything other than high-winds.

  • One-time, Recurring
  • Teens, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Corporate Teams, Families
  • In Person, Outdoor
  • Weekdays
Items we need

Food Drive: Food Items needed for poor neighborhood (Van Nuys)

Rice, Beans, canned meats, canned fruits, canned vegetables.

We NOW HAVE both Freezer and Refrigerator space, and can take meats, dairy, and long-storing vegetables like potatoes and onions, and we can take citrus fruits while last longer.

Bring items Mon or Tues 8:30 am – 4:30 pm OR Wed-Fri 12 noon to 4:30 pm to our Gilmore entrance and look for the sign that says “Leave Food Here”.

We have a volunteer nearby who is checking in often to move items indoors, so your donation will be effectively used. KNOCK ON THE RED DOOR if you need someone to put food into the refrigerator or freezer immediately.

If you need to make an appointment, please email [email protected]  or text 925-708-6961

We distribute food WEEKLY in the poorest area of Van Nuys, an urban neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley. Two of our four weeks are very limited in both what we can give out, and how much we can give each household. We have started a food drive, since many of the items our households need are already restricted in quantities at our local stores. See list ABOVE

  • Item Collection
  • Wishlist – Amazon, etc

No matches for criteria.

About us

As Christians in the flavor of ELCA Lutherans, we invite you to join us! We are owned by God, we are affiliated with the ELCA-Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a Christian organization that affirms all people, regardless of anything else. We invite and welcome others – perhaps you – to help us hear God’s voice and direction. Those who come alongside of us as Mission Partners are asked to pray and to serve. All people are welcome and more importantly invited. Central Lutheran Church serves everyone: homeless, poor, marginalized, and anyone who wants to help our neighbors.