Our mission

Groundswell Community Project only exists because of the love and support from our local community who take the plunge to share their stoke for the sea to preserve the beauty and strength of women and waves.


Surf Sister Women's Program Volunteer Los Angeles -Sea Mentor

Sea Sister Mentorholds safe brave space in the water and guidance in surf skills (5-7 Surf-Sister Mentors per program)Qualifications:Attend virtual Volunteer Training and in person Practice Day to learn Groundswell specific surf teaching techniquesIntermediate to advanced surf practiceExhibits strong ability to hold safe space in the waves and board management for 1-2 participants at a time. If previously a participant, you must have one surf season pass before volunteering as a Sea-Sister (open to discuss).

  • Weekly
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Physical, Event support, Outdoor
  • Skilled
  • Weekdays

Stoke Sister-Los Angeles

Stoke-sister: a photographer or videographer who captures the Stoke through non-invasive techniques. (1 Stoke-sister per session). Qualifications: Attend virtual Volunteer Training & in person Practice Day Briefed in Groundswell photo best practices: non-invasiveSigned consent of how photos will be used, where they will be uploaded, and when they will be deleted from photographers access

  • Weekly
  • Adults
  • Groups (2-10)
  • Event support, Outdoor
  • Skilled
  • Weekdays

Social Media Volunteer for the Los Angeles Chapter

Assist with the design and execution of social media campaigns for the LA area summer programs for 2022 and beyond. Assist with content creation, curation, and caption writing for the Los Angeles GS Facebook, Instagram. Create weekly and monthly Instagram stories for the Los Angeles GS. Track social media engagement to identify high-performing ideas and campaigns for scalability. Create and update monthly editorial content for GS LA to send out in their monthly newsletter. Support Groundswell team at live and online events, capture and create content. Monitor and respond to comments; engage fans and followers in conversation.

  • Weekly
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Virtual, Indoor
  • Skilled
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
About us

Our research-based surf therapy curriculum and programs are rooted in somatic, trauma-informed, nature, and community therapy models to best support the holistic healing of womxn and their communities overcoming various forms of trauma and its mental health effects. With our home roots in San Diego, California, and branches that extend across the globe, we strive to break down barriers and build up communities that celebrate mental health, women’s health, and ocean health.