The People Concern

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The People Concern

2116 Arlington Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90018
I'm Interested Visit Website Volunteer Page
Our mission

The People Concern is one of Los Angeles County’s largest nonprofit social service agencies. We strive to end homelessness by providing care and support for those experiencing it, through outreach, housing, mental and medical health care, substance use services, domestic violence services, life skills & wellness programs and income assistance.


At-Risk Youth (k9 connection)

We are looking for creative, passionate, empathetic individuals to partner with the k9 staff in mentoring, educating and inspiring our students. k9 connection’s year-around programs in continuation high schools offer teens the opportunity to break through learning and life barriers by training and bonding with homeless dogs.

  • Occasional, Weekly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • On-site, Formal
  • Weekdays

Homelessness Volunteer

Individual opportunities require a regular commitment and can include assisting with the following: food services, case management, donation sorting and distribution, front desk and reception, wellness activities, and life skills activities. Volunteers are required to attend orientation, submit negative TB test results from within the past year, and consent to a background check.

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays

Sojourn Volunteer

All interested individuals must attend a mandatory 40-hour domestic violence counselor training program mandated by California Evidence Code §1037.1. Trainings are held in the spring and fall. Volunteer opportunities include working in the following areas: 24-Hour Hotline, empowerment playgroups, support groups, court/visitation accompaniment, interpretation/translation; horticultural therapy, donation sorting, transportation and clerical work.

  • Weekly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
Items we need

Most needed items

Our staff have continued to provide our essential services throughout the pandemic and this much-needed supplies is more critical than ever. Items can be found and purchased here.

  • Item Collection
  • Wishlist – Amazon, etc
COVID-19: Our Response & How You Can Help

No matches for criteria.

How you help

We rely on the generosity of volunteers to serve our community’s most vulnerable residents.

About us

One of Los Angeles County’s largest social services agencies, The People Concern was formed in 2016 in a merger of two trusted social service organizations, OPCC and Lamp Community. Informed by more than fifty years of work in the community, The People Concern is a leading provider of, and advocate for, evidence-based solutions to the multi-faceted challenges inherent in homelessness and domestic violence. With compassion and profound respect for those we serve, we provide a fully integrated system of care – including outreach, interim housing, mental and medical health care, substance abuse services, domestic violence services, lifeskills & wellness programs, and permanent supportive housing – tailored to the unique needs of homeless individuals, survivors of domestic violence, challenged youth, and others who have nowhere else to turn.