Human Health Project‘s (HHP)

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Human Health Project‘s (HHP)

2271 Vandalia Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90032
I'm Interested Visit Website Volunteer Page
Our mission

HHP’s mission is to provide donation based, peer-to-peer programs whereby people can help each other with their health issues, reducing inequities in health outcomes.


Newsletter Writer/Editor

This is a virtual opportunity to work with HHP staff to determine content for weekly online newsletter and create calendar for newsletter workflow; collect and edit articles/items for the newsletter and write articles as needed; and help design newsletter layout.

  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • None
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends

Donor Relations, Gala Event Planning Associate

Human Health Project (HHP)’s has a three- pronged foundation: Holistic Peer-to-Peer Information, Education and Support. Our objective is to empower people to manage their own health. For more information, please visit our website.

We are looking for someone who is organized and enjoys planning large events in light of a larger, philanthropic goal. We need assistance in planning and implementing the Gala HHP is planning on in the spring of 2022. This event will be held in Los Angeles and attendance will be expected.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Role will assist the Director of Donor Relations
  • Assist with Implement strategies and clearly outline paths to fulfill fundraising goals
  • Be involved in all stages of event planning including but not limited to venue selection, décor, creation of event materials, correspondence actions, invitation mailings, guest list tracking, establishing venue layout, and building seating charts
  • Help maintain financial spreadsheets and databases to track pledges and receipt of donor contributions, reaching out when necessary to facilitate payment
  • Conduct extensive research for event outreach activities and to identify new donors
  • Cultivate and solicit individual and corporate gifts from current and prospective donors
  • Assist with night-of event logistics including guest check-in and operate as the main point of contact for troubleshooting last minute issues that arise


Required skills:

  • Professional eloquence in both spoken and written communication both to teammates in HHP and to those we will need to work with to make the event happen
  • Familiarity with google docs and microsoft office
  • Organized
  • Ability to make intelligent, logic-driven decisions
  • A solution oriented mindset

Please fill out the Application form to complete the HHP application process. You can copy & paste the link into your web browser.

  • Ongoing
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Virtual
  • Anytime

Social Media Volunteer

Do you have a passion for social media that is infectious? Do you know all the latest social trends? For this role, will need a good understanding of general social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Blogging etc), be an excellent writer and a creative thinker. This is a virtual opportunity.

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you help

We are extremely grateful to all our amazing team members, volunteers, advisers, board members and funders who allow us to continue Human Health Project’s (HHP) mission while remaining independent, integrative and unbiased.

About us

Human Health Project‘s (HHP) foundation is built upon peer-to-peer health information, education, and support. Through our programs, our objective is to empower individuals locally and globally to manage their health. HHP was founded in 2002 by Dr. Phil Harrington who had spent three years trying to find a diagnosis which sparked the idea for HHP. Today we are made up of a small core staff with 80+ volunteers, 30+ board members and advisers, spread around the world.