Help with wildlife monitoring requirements by conducting weekly surveys from November through March. Through this experience, you will be adept at reading signs for wild coyote, gray fox, and red fox. Data will be reported to the Conservancy electronically. We ask that volunteers attend four training workshops and commit to conducting weekly surveys along specific transects within the preserves, weather permitting.
Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults
Weekdays, Weekends
Trail Crew
Become a member of this trail-blazing volunteer crew dedicated to improving the trail systems around the peninsula's preserves. An introductory class is followed by hands-on field training taught by a nationally recognized trail expert. This free 50-hour program teaches such skills as trail assessment, outsloping and grading techniques, building retaining structures, switchbacks, and more. At the end, class participants become official Trail Crew members certified to propose, organize and facilitate trail projects with the PVPLC.
Weekly, Monthly
21+, 55+, Adults
Indoor, Outdoor
George F Canyon Docent
The charming George F Canyon Nature Center needs a variety of volunteers to staff the center or help with special events. The Nature Center is located on Palos Verdes Drive East, just south of Palos Verdes Drive North. The hours required are minimal; here's your chance to make a difference with a small amount of time.
Occasional, Monthly
21+, 55+, Adults
Indoor, Outdoor
Weekdays, Weekends
Volunteer Trail Watch
Provide assistance on the Preserve educating users about the importance of Preserve rules and unique features. It is similar to a Neighborhood Watch program: volunteers provide assistance to the Rangers as additional eyes and ears on the Preserve and educate users about the Preserve’s rules and unique features.
(Volunteers commit at least 4 hours per month for at least one year after participating in a eight-hour training program over 2 separate days.)
Teens, 21+, Adults
Office Volunteer
Help in the office preparing mailings, doing computer work, research, and with special events.
Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
Office work
On-site, Formal
Rapid Response Team
Work alongside Conservancy staff protecting important wildlife by closing unauthorized trails! Task include trail maintenance, building a fence, installing signage and more!
One-time, Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults
Individuals, Groups (2-10)
Physical, Outdoor
Team Leader Program
Learn about native plants, habitat restoration, and growing plants in the nursery through exclusive training workshops held throughout the year.
Teens, Adults
White Point Docent
The dynamic White Point Nature Education Center needs a variety of volunteers to staff the Center and help with special events. The Nature Center is located at 1600 W. Paseo del Mar in San Pedro. The Nature Center is a hub for visitors to learn more about efforts by the Land Conservancy.
Occasional, Monthly
Indoor, Outdoor
Weekdays, Weekends
Greeters Program
Become a Conservancy Outreach Volunteer! Sign up for shifts at popular trailheads, nature walks and community events to educate the public about the Conservancy and the land we work together to protect!
Occasional, Monthly
Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults
Indoor, Outdoor
Weekdays, Weekends
Outdoor Volunteer Days
Help restore vital habitats by planting natives and removing invasive species in various preserves around the peninsula. Training, tools, camaraderie and beautiful scenery are provided, but bring close-toed shoes, water, and sun protection.
One-time, Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
Children, Teens, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
Individuals, Groups (2-10), Families
Cactus Wren Tracking
Help monitor the charismatic cactus wrens in our preserves. This will be an annual program to track the birds, their nests, and their success in rearing babies. Training typically takes place in February, with monitoring beginning in March and lasting through August. (minimum 4 hrs/month)
Teens, Adults
Weekdays, Weekends
Saturday Nature Walk Docent
The Conservancy holds nature walks on the second Saturday of every month and two Saturdays a month at George F Canyon, and additional leaders are needed for these walks. Walk Program Leader training hikes take place about a week before each scheduled public walk to help train and orient docents to the site.
Weekly, Monthly
Native Plant Nursery
Help with seed germination, plant propagation, transplanting seedlings, sorting and cleaning seed, and removing weeds from plant containers. (Minimum one-month commitment)
Weekly, Monthly
Teens, Adults
Indoor, Outdoor
Weekdays, Weekends
Third-Grade Docents
Participate in the education program, helping to guide nature walks as well as reaching out to youth in the classroom. The Third-Grade Naturalist program consists of a four-part, in-class educational unit covering local ecology, native plants, geology, history, Native-American culture, mammals, reptiles, birds and insects. The program culminates in a field trip to a local open space where children are led on an interactive nature walk to use their in-class training.
Weekly, Monthly
21+, 55+, Adults
Indoor, Outdoor
How you help
Volunteering with the Conservancy is a rewarding way to give back to the local community and environment. The peninsula is a green oasis in L.A. County, providing volunteers with the opportunity to escape the hustle and stress of the city and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. By giving your time and energy, you will be rewarded with the knowledge you have made a difference and helped the Conservancy fulfill its mission.
About us
The Conservancy preserves undeveloped land as open space for historical, educational, ecological, recreational and scenic purposes. Since its founding in 1988, the Conservancy has successfully preserved 1,600 acres of open space on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The Conservancy's vision is the creation and management of large blocks of natural open space where visitors may enjoy peaceful solitude, where children and adults can learn about the natural environment, and where native plants and animals can thrive.