Alcoholism Center for Women (ACW)

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Alcoholism Center for Women (ACW)

1147 S Alvarado St, Los Angeles, CA 90006
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Our mission

The Mission of the Alcoholism Center for Women is to empower women to make new choices for positive futures.


Substance Abuse Interns

Substance abuse interns are welcome to assist with our Residential and Outpatient programs.

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Office work, Event support, Indoor
  • On-site, Formal, Skilled
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends

Building and Grounds Volunteer

We are constantly fixing, painting, planting and improving the inside and outside of the facility and could use your help!

  • Occasional, Monthly
  • Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10)
  • Physical, Indoor, Outdoor
  • On-site, Skilled
  • Weekdays, Weekends
How you help

We have several volunteer opportunities. If you have a talent that you would like to lend to ACW, please contact [email protected].

About us

Established in 1974 to address the special needs of women affected by alcohol and other drug abuse, The Alcoholism Center For Women, Inc. (ACW) was the first female residential drug/alcohol center on the West Coast. We have a long and powerful history of helping women obtain and maintain sobriety. ACW offers Substance Abuse Residential, Intensive Outpatient Treatment, and Outpatient Counseling Programs. ACW has international accreditation from Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).