839 N Mansfield Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038
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Our mission

To make a positive difference on the community and the world at large.

About us

The Dream Builders Project was established in Los Angeles, CA on October 10, 2013. We were created with one plan and one goal in mind, to give back. The Dream Builders Project strives to provide for charities, non-profits, organizations, and foundations dedicated to making the world a better place- one community at a time. By taking individual action, hosting charitable events and providing for the impoverished, our efforts are effective and extensive. We organize food drives, clothing drives, fundraisers and our signature “Flash Mob Charity Events.” We continuously contribute to non profits that provide relief, awareness and solutions. Thus far we have donated to Habitat for Humanity, Restore LA, The Polaris Project, Team Fox, LATO, Lupus LA and The Lazarex Cancer Foundation.