United American Indian Invovement, Inc. (UAII)

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United American Indian Invovement, Inc. (UAII)

1453 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90026
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Our mission

To promote and support the physical, behavioral and spiritual well- being of American Indian/Alaska Natives in the urban Los Angeles area by providing comprehensive, integrated services that focus on all age groups and incorporate American Indian/Alaska Native cultures and traditions.

About us

United American Indian Involvement, Inc is the largest provider of human and health services for American Indians/ Alaskan Natives (AI/AN) living in the County of Los Angeles. Established in 1974 on the streets of skid row, downtown L.A. by two empowered American Indian women, Babba Cooper (Lakota) and Marian Zucco (Paiute) who wanted to serve the most impoverished community who lacked resources and access to services. The inclusion of culturally sensitive services and staff have shown a positive impact on the community’s health and overcoming historical trauma which in-turn helps build resilience while improving physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and wellbeing. We are focused on the holistic treatment of our client’s health.