Affirmative Athletics

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Affirmative Athletics

669 S Union Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90017
I'm Interested Visit Website Volunteer Page
Our mission

To affirm Los Angeles forgotten youth in probation and continuation education communities through writing and organized sports.



We are always looking for positive people who love writing and sports who can give their time as statisticians, coaches, referees, or as a beat reporter for our social media pages and newsletters. To work with you volunteers must have a driver’s license, be fingerprinted, TV tests, and have two references.

  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • None, On-site, Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you help

Affirmative Athletics could not exist without the generosity and dedication of people volunteering their time to help out.

About us

Since 2005, Affirmative Athletics has worked within Los Angeles juvenile probation facilities, providing a positive outlet for incarcerated youth. Our program shows how writing and organized sports can inspire youth to plan, prepare, execute then assess team and individual performances while appreciating every step in their weekly journey. Affirmative Athletics has had phenomenal success in mentoring over four-hundred young incarcerated boys at different probation facilities. For more visibility, we are now working with Los Angeles continuing education programs to provide an affirming curriculum for students needing structure and mentoring.