181 Pier Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90405
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Our mission

We facilitate a circle of intergenerational healing and support to reduce the risk of incarceration and recidivism.



We continually seek support for our organization such as marketing, social media, web design, bookkeeping, and more. We also seek people with skills to support our reentry population. Financial advice, job skills training, housing assistance, and one to one logistical support for life tasks such as getting a driver’s license are a constant process for us. If you have a skill and/or are willing to assist with logistical support we would love to hear from you.

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Formal, Skilled
  • Weekdays

Licensed Therapist Supervision


ReEvolution provides intensive case management, rehabilitative services, and community building to currently incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and system impacted folks. Mental health services are vitally important to the success of people in reentry. Not only are people dealing with the traumas and adverse experiences which led to their incarceration, they also have to address the PTSD and institutionalization of incarceration itself as they rejoin a world that has passed them by and struggle with the stigmas, the pressure to rebuild a life, and immense difficulty reconnecting with loved ones – often while battling addiction. In order to provide whole person, trauma informed care, we are seeking the services of any licensed therapist who has the time and desire to support this community either by providing therapy directly OR by supervising clinicians on our team. Any therapist could take on as little as 1, or as many clients AND/OR supervise as many clinicians as they have time for. To supervise, a licensed therapist must have been practicing for at least two years and provide 3 hours of supervision to each clinician per week. If any professionals have a desire or need to complete service hours – we can put their treasured skills to great use!

  • Adults
  • Virtual, Skills-based
  • Formal, Skilled
  • Anytime
How you help

Our funding for both in-prison programs and reentry services is limited. We rely on volunteers to facilitate our in-reach efforts for those currently incarcerated, as well as to provide mentorship, system navigation guidance, and overall support to our returning citizens.

About us

We are a network of people building resilience and creating positive change in individuals and communities impacted by incarceration. While embracing all those who are system-impacted, we give particular focus to at-risk youth, incarcerated youth offenders, and formerly incarcerated juvenile lifers. We provide programs that span prevention to reentry as we leverage our collective experiences, relationships, and resources to bring awareness, healing, and change full circle. We follow our participants throughout their incarceration and invite them to continue working with us when they rejoin the “free world” through our Reentry Collective.