WISE & Healthy Aging

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WISE & Healthy Aging

1527 4th St #2nd+floor, Santa Monica, CA 90401
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Our mission

WISE & Healthy Aging, a community-based, nonprofit organization, advances the dignity and quality of life of older adults through leadership, advocacy and high-quality, innovative services.



We have volunteers who serve as tutors in our Intergenerational Tutoring Program in elementary schools across Los Angeles, and volunteers who are trained as peer counselors to provide peer-to-peer support, as well as volunteer instructors who teach courses in our Oasis Program. Whether it’s volunteering in our AARP Tax-Aide Program, or volunteering as an advocate in our Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, or helping serve healthy lunches in our WISE Diner Program, or volunteering in our adult day care program, each opportunity is unique, and each has its own requirements in terms of time commitment and skills.

  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10)
  • Indoor
  • On-site, Formal, Skilled
  • Weekdays, Weekends
About us

Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, WISE & Healthy Aging continues the long tradition of service and outreach, with focus on the Los Angeles Westside as well as the surrounding communities within the greater City and County of Los Angeles. Our community of constituents includes older adults at all stages of their lives – from pre-retirement through elder years, caregivers and their families, senior services organizations, as well as others who share our passion and commitment to serving older adults. Annually, more than 20,000 older adults are served.