Note: MLK Day of Service opportunities come from a variety of sources including opportunities posted on the Presidential Inaugural Committee's National Day of Service platform. The inclusion of any opportunity is not an endorsement of any political party or political point of view.

SBCC’s Fatherhood – Paying it Forward

Virtual Community Event · Volunteer organized



Virtual event
Join from anywhere
Hosted in Los Angeles, CA 90744

About this event

SBCC`s Fatherhood Venture, Thriving Dads, will be celebrating MLK Serve Day with a special Zoom gathering featuring a diverse group of dads who will be volunteering their time as they share about the impact MLK has had on their lives. They will also discuss how their participation in SBCC has helped them serve their community and inspire their children to volunteer and pay it forward as well.

La iniciativa de la paternidad de SBCC, Thriving Dads, celebrará el Día de servicio de MLK con una reunión especial de Zoom con un grupo diverso de papás que ofrecerán su tiempo como voluntarios para compartir sobre el impacto que MLK ha tenido en sus vidas. También discutirán cómo su participación en SBCC les ha ayudado a servir a su comunidad e inspirar a sus hijos a ser voluntarios y también a pagar.


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