Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Our museums, including the Natural History Museum’s outdoor spaces, are currently closed.

NHM Closure Announcement:
In an abundance of caution, and to align with county and state COVID-19 health precautions our museums are currently closed.

Once we are able to open our doors once again, the museum will be implementing a number of measures, including:

  • Timed ticket entry
  • Limiting the number of guests to promote a physically distanced and safe environment
  • Providing physical distance markers in high traffic areas and one-way directional flow
  • Frequent and thorough cleaning of all public spaces including, restrooms, exhibition areas, handrails, and counters
  • Adding plexiglass barriers to all ticketing stations
  • Installing hand sanitizer stations throughout the museum.

All visitors are required to:

  • Stay home if not feeling well
  • Wear a face covering (except children under two years old). Masks with one-way valves are not permitted.
  • Practice 6’ physical distancing
  • Wash hands often

As an added level of screening, we will be scanning temperatures upon arrival.

Stay up to date with NHMLAC’s response to COVID-19.​​​ Nuestros museos estarán cerrados hasta nuevo aviso para minimizar la propagación del COVID-19. Ve la respuesta de NHMLAC ante el coronavirus (COVID-19).

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