All Peoples Community Center – Remains Open, Service Changes
A Message from our Executive Director:
Dear Friends of All Peoples,
COVID-19 has taken our reality and turned it upside down. Every day and sometimes every few hours we are listening to the news, reading the internet, talking to friends and family trying to understand and prepare for changing times. In the 1965 Watts Riot, All Peoples remained open. In the 1992 Civil Unrest, All Peoples remained open. In 2020, with the Coronavirus All Peoples has remained open. We are serving the community by appointments only to maintain the safety of staff and our neighbors. Each Friday we are still distributing food to community members, especially those who may not have any other resources. Since the crises began we have been distributing food to nearly 200 families per week. You may contact us at (213) 747-6357, Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:30 pm for services.
We also appreciate the support received to keep up with the demand for services. The Pacific Southwest Region
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
was one of the first to call and respond with additional assistance. Many of our donors have also increased their gifts. Our foundation funders have responded with the flexibility to make changes in our programs to meet the ever-changing needs of our community.
Many of our staff are telecommuting staying in touch with our youth and families to determine how we can be of assistance. The staff of All Peoples are my Heroes/Sheroes because they are committed to being there for our families. We could not accomplish the goals that we have achieved without their support. Remember them when you sitting down with your family. If you are a praying person, please keep our staff in your prayers.
Our pledge of Real Solutions, Real Heart and Real Service is made possible because of you. Thank you.
Saundra Bryant
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