Anti-Recidivism Coalition – Temporary Physical Office Closure
We are closely monitoring the news and developments around the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The well-being of our staff and members is paramount, so we are taking active measures to protect our community. As of today, March 13th, all ARC offices are closed, Hope and Redemption Teams and all inside programs have been pulled from jails and prisons, and in-person membership events are temporarily suspended.
Further, ARC is joining other criminal justice reform advocates in asking Governor Newsom and local public officials to protect the safety and health of currently incarcerated people, which includes a plan for, at minimum, compassionate release for elderly incarcerated people, those with serious underlying health conditions, and those housed in pre-trial detention that do not pose a public safety risk.
There is a moral imperative for each of us to: take steps to mitigate the exposure of the most vulnerable segments of our communities; practice thorough hand washing and office closures; but also consider how historically marginalized populations continue to suffer under modern systems of healthcare, criminal justice, and otherwise.
While we should practice social distancing and other protective measures to flatten the coronavirus curve, we cannot distance ourselves from the fact that individuals will experience this pandemic differently depending on socioeconomic status, race, zip code, place of confinement, supervision status, and access to physical and medical resources.
We want you to know that ARC – albeit remotely – will continue to work to end mass incarceration in California and protect those who are most adversely impacted by this crisis.
To all of our ARC members, staff, allies, and family: stay safe and healthy, and we will see you back in our offices soon.
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