Dream Street Story
Dream Street provides camping programs for children with cancer, blood disorders, chronic and life-threatening diseases. Funded by the Dream Street Foundation, children are given the opportunity to enjoy activities they would normally be restricted from due to their illness.
For those children who require medicine daily or several times a day, the usual sleep-away camp is not sufficiently sophisticated to handle their medical needs. At Dream Street, counselors, as well as a complete medical staff are on hand to spend endless hours with any child who needs special help and love.
Dream Street operates summer camps in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Massachusetts, Mississippi and New Jersey. Camping sessions are FREE OF CHARGE to those attending.
Dream Street brings the dream of normal childhood activities to reality for these children. It is an environment in which no child sits on the sidelines or has to worry about being different.
Dream Street is completely VOLUNTEER OPERATED, including counselors, medical staff and administration. Dream Street does not fund salaries, only happy summers for children in need.
Dream Street is a public non-profit corporation.