Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission Covid-19 Update
Covid-19 and a Community of Compassion…
Hope of the Valley has been asked to staff and operate 4 new Covid-19 homeless shelters in the San Fernando Valley. One in Woodland Hills, Granada Hills, Northridge and North Hollywood. These 4 shelters are in addition to the 138-bed shelter in Pacoima, our 3 family shelters and 1 youth shelter.
To be honest, before we said yes to the challenge of staffing and running these new shelters, including all food service, our staff was already working to capacity. But, times of crisis and emergency calls for great sacrifice. I shared this with our staff and they all agreed that we must, and will, rise to the challenge of helping our vulnerable neighbors who currently do not have a house to call home.
It has been said, “It Takes Teamwork to Make the Dreamwork.” So true, but here is where you come in. YOU are part of our team. Staff + Community = TEAM HOPE. Together WE can meet the challenge. I am also a firm believer that most people want to help, they just don’t know how to help or what to do. So….here is how you can help….Drop off at any of the four locations listed below:
– Men and Women’s underwear (preferably new)
– Socks (preferably new)
– Men’s and women’s clothing
– Cans of Coffee and Creamer
– Snack Items
– Cold Cereal
Besides the above we need cash donations. Please support the Mission and those we serve by DONATING HERE: www.hopeofthevalley.org
Shelter and Drop Off Sites:
*Woodland Hills Rec Center:
5858 Shoup Ave
*North Hollywood Rec Center:
11430 Chandler Blvd
*Pacoima Shelter:
11076 Norris Street
As I am finished up this letter outreach workers just informed me that two elderly people in their 70’s are being transported to the shelter. Truly, lives are being saved.
Thank you for being part of the solution. www.hopeofthevalley.org
One last request….Please share this post to 10 friends.
Thank you!
Ken Craft – Founder and CEO
Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission
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