How the Y is Providing COVID-19 Relief
For nearly 140 years, the Y has been an invaluable resource for our communities and a beacon of Social Responsibility. At this critical moment in the midst of a global pandemic, we are being called daily, indeed hourly, not only to remain the bedrock of our society but to rise to an unprecedented occasion and continue providing our youth, families, teens, seniors, and so many more with services and support.
Our partners, volunteers, and key leaders throughout the Y family are helping us heed this call and have already begun generously funding our efforts to be the solution for our communities in many new, unexpected, and urgently needed ways, including
Child care for first responders, front line medical workers and essential workers
Grab & Go meals, fresh produce, and infant supplies families in need
Showers and sanitation kits for individuals and families who are homeless
Home delivery of nutritionally balanced meals to homebound seniors
Life-saving blood drives, and much more.
We hope you will join our efforts and thank you for your consideration.