Imagine LA’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
As our community faces unprecedented circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Imagine LA’s work supporting families to maintain stability is even more essential. Our business operations have moved to virtual platforms, our office staff is working remotely, and Imagine LA is fully mobilized and proactively working with our current families, alumni families, and mentors to navigate the economic, health, social, distance learning, and psychological impacts of COVID-19 and the “Safer at Home” edicts. We are actively collaborating with other organizations serving at-risk families and with faith communities across L.A. County, sharing resources and best practices. In addition, in coordination with L.A. County Department of Health Services, LAHSA, and Mayor Garcetti’s office, we have helped bring together over 72 community and faith organizations to create more homeless shelters on their properties and at L.A. County Parks & Recreation locations.
We are utilizing and fundraising around our Family Emergency & Investment Fund (FEIF) to help our current and alumni families stay ahead of any financial fallout related to COVID-19. This fund provides financial relief in the event of an illness, a missed rent payment or other short-term needs. Through the FEIF, we are assisting families with necessities such as food and medicine, helping with their rent/utilities, and supporting them as they set their children up to navigate distance learning.
Finally, we are working to understand and plan for any financial impact COVID-19 will have on our organization. We are actively developing strategies around individual giving, events, and foundation giving, which composes a significant portion of annual revenue. We will continue to strengthen and develop new fundraising strategies as the financial impact of COVID-19 become clearer in the weeks and months to come.
For individuals, companies, and foundations seeking to make a tangible difference for families at this time, we encourage you to visit our Family Emergency and Investment Fund page and contribute. Your donation will ensure that everyone Imagine LA family stays housed and has the support and resources to thrive during these trying time.