Taking the Reins Funding and Donations
Girls need us; so we need YOU!
Nearly 83% of TTR students live in poverty; many without access to computers and internet service.
These students are extremely impacted by school closures and ‘safe at home’ orders due to COVID-19.
While understandably necessary, these precautions have further compromised our young women at a critical point in their development.
TTR needs your help. We urgently need funding to provide TTR girls with Google Chromebooks and Internet Hot Spot Service so they can have a connection to the internet that many of us take for granted.
Today, more than ever, an internet connection is a vital necessity.
Please, take a moment to go to www.takingthereins.org/donate and donate to support TTR and the girls we serve. Your tax-deductible donation will go directly to provide much needed services and programming during this critical time.
On behalf of all of us; thank you and stay safe.
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