Union Station Homeless Services Meals and Stays
As an essential service provider, Union Station Homeless Services is exempt from the Safer at Home” Emergency Order. While we have moved many of our staff to remote work, some continue to work on the front lines to care for our clients, many of whom are vulnerable, aging and have serious health concerns and mobility issues.
We are still serving the men, women and children living in our bridge housing and supportive housing sites. We are also working with hundreds of our clients staying in motels and apartments, who depend on us for food and basic needs.
- We have dramatically expanded our meals program to meet the spike in food insecurity amongst our clients. Our weekly meal count has increased from ~2,000 to more than 5,000 meals per week.
- Increased staffing needs in our kitchens and bridge housing in lieu of volunteer support, which during normal operations is the backbone of our community meals program
- Increased motel stays in order to isolate our most vulnerable and high-risk residents and reduce density at our sites
- Safe transport to motels and medical appointments, in lieu of staff transporting clients
- Creation of a mobile kitchen to support our dramatically expanded food production and distribution efforts.
We need donations to help in these efforts.
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