Update from the San Pedro YMCA
I am pleased to update you on the continued work of our Y.
While I understand the need for us to stay at home is for the betterment of our country, I worry about the health and well-being of my team, community members, and each of you. I know we continue to try and find solace in this time of uncertainty. I read a lot more now! I appreciate your support, kind words, and how each of you continues to spread the message of the Y. I am grateful for how we are meeting the need in the community as a resource. Thank you for seeking financial contributions to our Y, through the emergency fund and direct donations to SPPY. It has been inspiring. Keep SHARING!
Grab and Go: We are preparing to launch our Grab and Go meal program at the San Pedro & Peninsula Y on Tuesday, March 31. We will provide breakfast and lunch for youth every Tuesday and Thursday, 9-11am. I want to thank our board members who have committed to supporting the program by volunteering their time for training, set up, and at the drive-through and walk-up tables.
Red Cross Blood Drive: We will be hosting a Blood Drive on April 13 at our YMCA. There is a massive shortage of blood in the hospitals, and many of our Ys will be hosting these drives to help. More will be sent out on this event soon.
Showers for the Homeless: We are working with the City of LA to offer showers to the homeless. This program will be in coordination with the Mayor’s office. The contract will allow us to bring back some of our furloughed staff, which will be a blessing. It will be a controlled environment that comes with many restrictions in order to access. We are happy to be helping a population that has a need and we have the resources.
Our CEO Alan Hostrup recently shared this short but highly impactful video showcasing the Y’s food distribution program organized by our Weingart-East LA Los Angeles, in cooperation with numerous partners. This effort has been a great source of inspiration, and I am proud to say that a majority of our leadership team has volunteered 1-2 days of their time for this great cause. Also check out the Torrance-South Bay YMCA food distribution program. Almost all of our Y branches are pivoting to help our communities with programs and activities including childcare for hospital staff/first responder kids, blood drives, distribution of essential products such as diapers, wipes, and formula, and food distribution. I’m proud of our response and our “can do,” “want to do,” and “we’re here to help” attitude.
Thank you for your support, and please reach out if you have any questions,
Jennifer Sullivan
Executive Director