Workday Canceled/COVID-19 Response
For the first time in our 17 years, we are canceling Workday. We invite you to stay home, stay well and continue to support our amazing community from afar. We are working on putting together a ‘Workday from Afar’ plan to help support community efforts such as blood drives and food banks. Stay tuned for more on that front!
The reality is that we are all feeling the stress of these uncharted waters. Yet we find joy in you and your commitment to being part of a day that empowers youth and transforms communities. We are hopeful that we will still be able to complete our 2020 projects when there is a safe time to reschedule with individual groups.
Here’s how we are bringing strength to our youth with the greatest need right now, our Continuation High School students:
- We will be providing full mentoring services. Our amazing Instructors will check in with mentees once a week over the phone and/or Zoom to provide them with encouragement as they try to stay on track with their core online classes.
- College applications and FAFSA will still be completed by mentees graduating in June 2020. Instructors will continue making sure college applications, promises, DACA, and FAFSA will be completed to ensure students will not fall behind or become at-risk to not enroll in college.
- Sharefest instructors will reach out to all of our Continuation students to see what support they need and assist in any way they can by pointing them to resources in their community that they may not know about
Thank you for standing together with us. Thank you for believing the future of Sharefest and our students is filled with hope. We are so grateful for your commitment to be the strength our students need in this moment.