COVID-19 Update
Dear PTN Families,
PTN is open and is continuing to offer services in-person and via telehealth. As an essential business, we will continue to provide critical care to children and families. We are following our heightened safety protocols and procedures implemented during COVID-19, including daily health screenings, social distancing measures including designated treatment space for individual therapy, enhanced cleaning process, and use of personal protective equipment. We continue to monitor and implement any changes or orders from the county and state departments of Public Health.
We also wanted to thank our onsite families for responding to our health screening questions before each visit. We know this can seem time-consuming and redundant, but your honest answers each day help us maintain a safe and healthy environment. As a reminder, if your child or members of your household have been at risk for possible exposure to COVID-19, please reschedule your in-person appointments to telehealth.
Families participating in our Leaps and Bounds hybrid program for in-person, on-site services have been contacted regarding the schedule of services for the rest of December. In observance of the December holidays and New Year’s Day, PTN will close from Thursday, December 24, 2020, to Friday, January 1, 2021. PTN business will resume on Monday, January 4, 2021.
I hope that this holiday season and the new year ahead brings you and your family happiness and good health. We appreciate your support as we work together to support the health and safety of our children, families, and staff.
Terri Chew Nishimura, MA, OTR/L Founder and Chief Executive Officer